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Disability Insurance for Endodontists: How to Buy It + Costs

Key Takeaways:

  • Disability insurance for endodontists might come with higher premiums due its higher likelihood of filing a disability insurance claim. 
  • Endodontists help others with their teeth and earn a high income that’s worth protecting, and disability insurance riders can provide maximum protection. 
  • SLP Insurance provides custom quotes for endodontists looking for coverage.

Endodontists offer services beyond what a general dentist provides. They provide special treatments and perform procedures, like root canals, to save teeth that are beyond the help of preventative care. Aside from helping people with vital oral care, endodontists earn multiple six figures in income. 

Based on data from the American Dental Association and the Health Policy Institute, the average endodontist salary is $343,670 per year for those in private practice. 

As an endodontist, you use your hands to perform delicate and precise procedures that require dexterity and physical abilities. Due to this reliance on your hands and fine motor skills, there can be a high risk of having to file a disability claim in the profession. 

To protect your high income and the years you’ve invested toward your education and training, getting a disability insurance policy is essential. 

Endodontist disability insurance premium cost

If you’re doing more invasive work and are in a higher-risk field, you might pay more for disability insurance coverage. What you pay is based on numerous factors, including your age at the time of applying, health history, if you’re currently a smoker, and your city and state of residence. 

Even so, getting disability insurance and protecting yourself from lost income is a good idea and a long-term policy typically costs just 2% to 4% of your income. This covers about 60% of your income for a fraction of the cost. 

Below are prospective rates for disability insurance for endodontists from SLP Insurance partners. 

Endodontist own-occupation disability insurance monthly cost
(Age 34, resident/fellow)

*NOTE: True own occupation definition, $5,000 base monthly benefit, $15,000 future increase benefit, Residual / recovery and mental / nervous coverage added. 3% inflation rider. 90 day elimination period. Includes 10%-30% discounts available through SLP Insurance LLC

Dentistry and specialties, like endodontics, are considered high-risk professions when it comes to disability claims which mean higher premiums. Rates can vary from as low as $165 per month to $346 per month, depending on the insurance company and gender. There’s a monthly base benefit of $5,000 and the ability to increase coverage an additional $15,000. 

Plus, options are available for residual disability benefits that payout if you’re experiencing a partial disability. Catastrophic coverage helps cover the costs of caregiving assistance if you’re unable to take care of yourself. 

Why do endodontists buy disability insurance?

Disability insurance coverage provides supplemental financial assistance that can cover up to 60% of your income for a predetermined amount of time. This is called a benefit period. A long-term disability insurance policy provides disability benefits until you hit retirement age, if that’s what you choose. Getting disability insurance for endodontists is recommended due to the various risk factors involved. 

To get a custom quote from SLP Insurance, submit a form below. We’ll help you find a true-own occupation policy that works with your unique needs, at the best cost. Get started by submitting the form below, or keep reading to learn more. 

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What should endodontists disability insurance cover?

Getting long-term disability insurance for endodontists is the first step in protecting yourself. Making sure it’s an own-occupation plan is key — compared to any occupation — so you’re entitled to benefits if you can no longer do your current job. There are additional riders you want to get to get the most peace of mind, especially given the work you do and the higher risk. 

  • Catastrophic rider. If you can’t perform essential and basic duties to take care of yourself and need assistance, this rider can provide financial support for help. 
  • Cost of living adjustment (COLA) rider. Inflation takes a bite out of how far your money goes. But with a cost of living adjustment rider, your benefits may increase to keep up with the pace of inflation. 
  • Residual disability benefits. If you aren’t fully disabled, under this rider, you can still receive partial benefits. 
  • Future increase rider. What you earn today likely won’t be what you earn tomorrow. The future increase rider allows you to obtain higher coverage amounts regardless of any medical issues or health changes. 

Aside from these riders and getting true-own occupation coverage, ensure that your policy can pay for your basics. Higher earners might have higher expenses, so get a policy that lets you afford your current home to avoid disrupting your lifestyle too much. 

How often do endodontists file disability insurance claims? 

Dentistry as a whole is considered a high-risk profession, with endodontists typically having a higher chance of filing a disability claim than other professions. Your entire profession, and therefore, livelihood, relies on the dexterity of your hands. With wear and tear on this intricate part of your body being high over your career, there’s a bigger risk of needing to file a claim for disability benefits.

What kind of disability insurance coverage is offered to endodontists?

Disability insurance for endodontists can be found in many different places, so you can compare and contrast coverage options. 

Employer group endodontist coverage 

Endodontists that have an employer may qualify for a group policy. That can help make disability insurance more accessible. But there may be insufficient amounts of coverage, so check the benefit amount. If you have a private practice and are self-employed, this is likely not a viable option. 

Professional associations like the ADA 

Disability insurance is available through many professional associations as well. You can look into options through the American Dental Association (ADA) and the American Association of Endodontists (AAE) to see what options are offered. 

Individual disability policy for endodontists 

You can also look for independent coverage as an individual as well. This is typically done with a broker who works at the top insurance companies. A broker can assess your financial needs and look at your risk tolerance to get you the appropriate amount of coverage. 

Guaranteed Standard Issue (GSI) policies for endodontists 

An under-the-radar option that is often not discussed is Guaranteed Standard Issue policies. Why? Because these policies typically are reserved for residents and fellows, and brokers may not earn a commission. As the name implies, this policy offers guaranteed coverage — regardless of any medical issues. So those with pre-existing conditions, this is ideal. 

Under GSI policies, you may be eligible for certain discounts you might not get elsewhere. Some schools that offer GSI policies include George Washington, Louisiana State and Oregon Health & Science. 

How much disability insurance do endodontists need?

As noted above, as of 2020 the average salary for endodontists was $343,670 per year. Given that you can typically get up to 60% of your income replaced with disability benefits, that means the maximum payout you’re eligible for would be $17,184. 

Depending on your salary, you may qualify for higher amounts of coverage. It’s important to think through how much coverage you need to secure the right disability payout amount. 

Endodontists disability payout amount

Imagine that with a proper disability insurance policy you can score up to $17k per month in benefits. With that individual policy paid with after-tax dollars, you get tax-free benefits as well (note: employer coverage benefits are considered taxable). That can be a significant amount and help you ride out the financial consequences of disability. 

To get the right coverage amount, look at your current expenses. You want your housing, childcare, student loan, and other necessary costs covered by the benefit amount. Sole income providers with a family might want to secure the maximum coverage possible. 

Why you need to review your endodontists disability insurance policy

Before choosing a policy, make sure you know what you’re signing up for. Here are the top things to check for. 

  • Ensuring the policy is true-own occupation coverage and ask about the definition of disability so you’re on the same page. 
  • For those with a medical history or pre-existing condition, work with a broker who understands your unique needs and can have your best interest at heart. 
  • Shop around to ensure you’re not paying too much. SLP insurance will work with you to get the best rate. 
  • Check your coverage options so you’re not underfunded, especially if solely relying on group coverage options. 

Get a disability insurance quote for endodontists 

Ready to get disability insurance for endodontists? SLP Insurance works with you to find the best rate and coverage. That way you can rest easy knowing you have financial protection for unexpected health-related events. Fill out the form and we’ll come back with a quote and any eligible discounts, so you’re protected at a low cost. 

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